Gateley Smithers Purslow



Gateley Smithers Purslow celebrates 40 years by giving £40,000 to charities

Rutland-based engineering, surveying and architectural practice, Gateley Smithers Purslow (SP), has celebrated 40 years in business by raising £40,000 for national and local charities.

Nationally the main beneficiaries are the Rainbow Trust children’s charity and Make-A-Wish UK who both received ¬£16,000. Locally Stamford-based Evergreen Care Trust received ¬£1,000 and 14 other staff-nominated charities, including Cambridge-based Anna’s Hope brain tumour charity, Dove Cottage day hospice in Stathern and Ridlington, Hope for Cancer (Leicestershire and Rutland) and Rutland food bank each received ¬£500.

17 national & local charities receive their charity cheques at Gateley Smithers Purslow’s presentation afternoon on Tuesday 26 November 2019

To mark its 40 years milestone in May 2018, SP set itself a ¬£40k fund-raising challenge and since then staff have competed in the Three Peaks Yacht Race Challenge, where a five-strong team sailed from Barmouth to Fort William with two stalwarts cycling and running to the summits of Snowden, Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis, they’ve run a German-themed Oktoberfest at Uppingham School, hosted several charity golf days and held office-based events such as cake sales etc.

The cheques were presented on 26 November to the nominated charities at a reception at the Falcon Hotel, Uppingham, by SP directors Stephen Fraser and Andrew Bussey.

Andrew commented: “40 years in business is a tremendous achievement and all our offices and teams have helped raise funds for a great mix of good causes. One of our founders, 80 year-old Norman Smithers, was a passionate mountaineer and it was great to receive his support for the Three Peaks event!”

Upon receiving her cheque, Louise Bingham from the Rainbow Trust said: ‚ÄúI’m delighted to accept this ¬£16,000 donation on behalf of the families who have a child with a life-threatening or critical illness. Thanks to Gateley Smithers Purslow, this money will enable us to support eight families in crisis for a whole year.‚Äù

Louise Marsh from the Evergreen Care Trust was equally appreciative: “These funds ensure our volunteer-led services comprising; advocacy, befriending, clean team, chaplaincy & listening, hospital to home, hand & nail and friendship will continue for existing and future service users. Our 200+ volunteers all help prevent social isolation, especially amongst the vulnerable and elderly.”

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