Gateley Smithers Purslow



NII Annual Dinner 2019



It is that time of year again. The Nottingham Insurance Institute are holding their annual dinner, a Black-Tie event at the Crowne Plaza, Nottingham, where everyone gets together to celebrate the achievements of 2018.  The dinner is not only an opportunity to have some fun but also a great networking opportunity.  The evening was attended by brokers, financial planners, insurers, employment agencies, solicitors and other associated companies from Nottingham, Derby and the wider area.  A delicious 3-course meal and refreshments is enjoyed by all after which follows the NII Exam and High Achiever award presentations.  This year’s event saw some exciting entertainment instead of a guest speaker, followed by a disco or for those who preferred to catch up with friends old and new the bar was open until the early hours.

The chosen charities this year were the Insurance Charities Alzheimer’s Society

This year the NII ran a Charity Raffle Draw with lots of exciting raffle prizes, including one from Gateley Smithers Purslow (photo of Director, Andy Bussey, with the winners, from Zurich Insurance, below). 

The following amounts were raised for the Charities on the night:

Alzheimer’s Society ¬£1,623.70 + 25% gift aid = ¬£2,029.63 (42% more than last year!)

Insurance Charities £1,165 + 25% gift aid = £1,456.25 (10% more than last year)

President’s Message: annual dinner held 18/1/19 was fantastically supported, we had; Stilt Walkers üé™, Contortionist, Magician, photo booth cube üé¨, DJ üéß, flash mob, dance troopüíÉ, short speeches üé§, Awards üèÜ, Charity Raffle in aid of Alzheimer’s Society & The Insurance Charities.

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