Gateley Smithers Purslow



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Read about the very latest updates from Gateley Smithers Purslow.

Gateley Smithers Purslow to be Carbon Neutral in 2022

21 Dec 21

We are delighted to announce that we aim to be carbon neutral in 2022 and beyond.  Having assessed our carbon footprint; we recognise where we…

Investors In People turns 30

14 Dec 21

Gateley Smithers Purslow celebrated Investors in People 30th Birthday throughout November 2021, reflecting on how proud we are of our people and asking, 'What makes…

St Andrew’s Parish Church, Glaston, Rutland

10 Nov 21

When St Andrew's parish church, next to Gateley Smithers Purslow's head office in Glaston had lead from the roof stolen; we offered our services, free…

Gateley Smithers Purslow Annual Managers’ Conference

05 Nov 21

On Wednesday 3 November 2021, The Grand Hotel in Birmingham, played host to the Gateley Smithers Purslow Annual Managers' Conference. Representatives from all our regional,…

Regional Focus

01 Nov 21

North East This month's Regional Focus involves a ‚Äúteam‚Äù project between Benedict Wheeler, Building Surveyor, and Andy Gooud, Structural Engineer, along with Architectural work for…

CILA Annual Conference 2021, Thursday 21 October

06 Oct 21

As a proud sponsor of The Chartered Institute of Loss Adjusters and exhibitor at the 2021 Annual Conference, Gateley Smithers Purslow, whose ethos is customer-focused…

Uppingham Community College ACE Day – Gateley Smithers Purslow attends Year 10 Work and Careers Event

23 Jul 21

Technical Director, Alex Wright, was delighted to talk to Year 10 students at Uppingham Community College about Gateley Smithers Purslow's services and being a Building…

SP’s Staff 100 Mile Non-Stop Charity Walk – Sat 19/Sun 20 June 2021

15 Jul 21

Gateley Smithers Purslow is very pleased to provide an update on Jonathan Marshall and Alex Wright's recent charity challenge; involving an epic weekend of 100…

SP Charity Golf Day at the Belfry Hotel & Resort

02 Jul 21

Gateley Smithers Purslow National Engineering's annual charity golf day event, hosted by Ken Porter, finally went ahead on Friday 25 June 2021, despite the challenges…

Latest News

Gateley Smithers Purslow joins ILC as Corporate Partner

Gateley Smithers Purslow has joined ILC as a Home & Property Corporate Partner. I Love Claims (ILC) was established in 2010 and is the leading forum for claims professionals in the UK motor, home & property, and MGA sectors. ILC host a number of events within the insurance claims industry, working towards a ‘better tomorrow’….